Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Thank you IKEA

First of all, the images here can be copied, reproduced, infringed, however you call it in case you want to create a living room like that. No copy rights reserved.

When N and I purchased our apartment we knew it would be big for us. It has three rooms, a kitchen, living room, bathroom, an extra bathroom and a balcony. I was even afraid that our lives together would be spent him working in a separate room and me sitting alone in another.

We had this whole new empty space to decorate and make our home, yet we did not know how or where to start looking for furniture to create a place we can call our own. 

We looked everywhere. We picked up some things from here and there but we weren't quite there yet.

Then IKEA came. Yes, the IKEA catalogue fell from the door mail slot as if an answer to our prayers and it felt like a calming breeze to this newlywed couple.

But IKEA in my mind meant no quality whatsoever . The Do it yourself concept allowed people to believe that by doing it yourself you are paying less for the product. 

N on the other hand was way too enthusiastic. In fact, he had never been to an IKEA store before. ( Another great chance for me to make fun of his expressions once we visited it :) )

The fact is, once we entered the place my whole view about it changed in a second, for it was a dearly family furniture shopping event, if you know what I mean. The time we had back then meant to be practical and, what did WE really want?  Did we want a home with a white fire place occupying a whole wall or an IKEA super white divan that'd seat our guests instead? 

To my surprise, we ended up picking a center table that has a really nice retouch. It looks elegant. ( Yeah, not so elegant looking yourself when assembling it, sweat all over your face) A white sofa side table would made the touch to the living room as well. A TV set that does wonders in storing both our Hollywood and Bollywood movie collection. ( The Bollywood being more sacred to me, it is neatly arranged by actors' names, Shahrukh Khan taking number 1 position ). A rose design carpet, and what about the cost-effective bookshelf that we've ever purchased?! All of these were meant to make our home. 

Home sweet home. They say heart is where the home is, well in this case, the living room is where the heart of the home is.  This is where we spend most of our time. This is where I get my ideas to write a blog. This is where we enjoy some home-made food while enjoying a movie. 

So, Thank you IKEA for making our home. We are very grateful  that you came one day from that door mail box and changed our lives.

To finish this post, a pic to introduce an Indian dish N made today. Aloo peas pulao.

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