Friday, February 17, 2012

How I felt in love

The first time I saw it, I thought it looked corny. It had some charm though. Could convince me yet. There was this intermission. Wait a minute, it's capturing, it's's capturing me!

This somehow hidden world of mine, full of desire for music and dance, fantasy and glamour was suddenly exposed to N. He had made me fall in love......... with Bollywood films.

When we started dating, N thought of no better thing to do but to introduce me to his own culture by showing me all time Bollywood classics. Dating him was like walking down memory lane. I've learned about his childhood by the memories all these movies bring to him. I am thrilled.

Like many of my friends, I had heard before of the word Bollywood. I thought this was a really cheap copy of Hollywood. Nothing can beat Hollywood, I thought. How ignorant of me to think that.

Bollywood is all but a cheap copy industry. It is a constant creation of worlds and fantasies. It is a school of art and beauty. It is the lesson for old and new generations about family values and social behavior. It is a soothing melody to the wounded hearts.

To quickly prove my statement to you, I want to introduce you to one Bollywood movie song. This song is from the movie Lagaan ( Tax) and the song is called Mitwa.

When you see and hear it for the first time, it might appear so corny and really cheesy, but look closely and pay attention to the melody again and your eyes,  heart and ears will encounter beauty. Every single maneuver, every step taken is candy to the eye. Just the choreography for this song must have taken months to create.

Aamir Khan ( the lead actor, dancing in this video) just shines in his moves. He is totally dedicated to the presentation of this work. The same goes for the lead actress, Gracy Singh, perfection in action; God's reminder that beauty is more than giant trees and flowers. The music and dance are just wonderful.

You don't believe me? See it for yourself.

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