Saturday, March 10, 2012

What the studies show

Yesterday I went to another dance class. This time I was determined that I'd go alone even if my sister didn't come with me.

But she did, (phew!) but she was late. I went alone into the dance class called 'Old Disco' that was about to start. 

I now know that what the studies show is really really true. N had told me, just one week before, of a study where they prove that when a person ( usually old) listens to old songs ( from his époque) or see things that bring back old memories, the brain switches to ' Young mode'. That is, you instantly become energetic. In other words, if you recreate things from your past, you automatically will feel younger. 

I didn't pay much attention then but the thing I last recall from that conversation was that on the TV a documentary showing results of this study conducted by the same writer of the Book N had read and from which he told me this, was being shown on a Saturday before I left to meet some friends. Somehow what he said remained in the back of my mind. 

Then to my surprise yesterday, the class was not about oldie songs from the seventies as I had expected. It was pure nineties, more specifically, Backstreet Boys, N' sync, Britney Spears, Janet Jackson, 5ive, etc. 

If you know me, you'd instantly guess that I felt immediately really happy to be able to have an aerobic class with my teenage time favorite songs. Just in the last aerobic class I was dying of boredom, but yesterday my energy levels surpassed the 100%. My sister was even amused at the sight of me. I was full dancing mode from the first minutes to to the last moments of the class I felt I should have given the teacher a kiss on the cheeks, just to show him how happy he had made me feel.

So it is true! I became 17 years old again for one hour. I remembered even all the lyrics from the songs, i remembered the steps ( but we learned a new choreography yesterday) but the most important thing, I felt young and happy! Not that I am old but you know what I mean, right?

So, why don't you try? 

I also wonder why do we have to change our environment every time and stop listening to the songs from 10 years back? Is it me or also you? Is your house, room apartment much much different than what it was 10 years back? Are the clothes too very different? why don't we keep old things from the past but replace them with the new stuff? Something to think about.

So to top this fabulous thursday, when I arrived home at nine after having figured out, in the bus, what I'd cook for my most probably starving husband,  guess what is my surprise? N had prepared an ultra super exquisite delicious indian meal, Bhindi masala with ladies fingers and it was heavenly good! We reached heaven in the very moment we chewed our first mouthful. I took some pictures. We ate with this finnish karjalanpiirakka ( rice pies) because we both were starving and making chapatis would take me longer than heating the ready made rice pies.

So voilá. This is N's successful plate

A bitten rice pie by a hungry photographer 

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