Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The one with the Harley Davidson and summer

So I had this dream.

I dreamed we owned this Harley Davidson motorcycle and it had been kept in the garage. I thought ' How can we have such a treasure inside a garage?' ' What does that say about me? That I don't live my life the fullest? that we don't live our lives the fullest? ' So I said to N ' Lets take the Harley Davidson, baby and let's cruise around the town! Let's drive all the way to the city. Let's have some fun. We don't have to pay parking tickets for a car. A Motorcycle is much more convenient' . In the next clip of my dream, I was sitting in the backseat of the cycle and my hair was blowing. It was a hot beautiful summer day. We were having the time of our lives.

Not that I've never looked forward to summer before, but this time it just feels different. Is it because of the new house? The balcony? To know that in the summer you can go ' out ' into that special corner of your house and enjoy private sun bathing? Keep doors and windows open? See the birds watching me from the tree opposite our balcony? I suppose they expect me to feed them too. 

What is it that makes the beginning of the spring and the waiting for the summer feel it different this time? Have I become old enough to appreciate seasons better or is there something really in the air? 

Despite being cold right now, having the sun touch your pale face every morning now feels wonderful. 

What have you felt differently lately?

Waiting for the summer frozen orange juice?

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