Thursday, March 15, 2012

Finding Nemo with vanilla ice cream and chocolate cookies

Hi people

Today I worked from home and it was a great day. Great because it was a nice day full of energy and discovery of new things.

Like, I watched videos of Miranda Kerr, the Australian super model. Well, I found out she is super nice and she is all organic. ! Yes. Just the life style I want to follow! She had a baby boy a year back or so and she is looking super fabulous! And she was breastfeeding the baby all this time! Amazing! She doesn't care about 'gravity' and maybe that's the reason God keeps her super fabulous.

She also has these super organic beauty line products that I really really want! They are expensive but N already promised me that we'd get that for me one day. :)

Then I took a sauna after N left for a group meeting with his Uni friends. It was so good! I used the coconut exfoliator that I love from The Body Shop and I also applied organic coconut oil in my hair! Fantastic combination! This therapy session gave me so much energy that after it I went straight to do some rowing on the rowing machine we have at home.

Soon after rowing I saw the telenovela ' Mi Gorda Bella' ( we have all seasons DVD set) that my brother lent to me to watch and after this I decided to go for a walk to the food store to get some stuff for cooking tonight. It was also a good opportunity for me to check whether someone had left a note on the message board of the store of a missing bag. Yes! A bag found on a bus stop yesterday around 7-8 am.  Yes, people, I left my sports bag on the bus stop yesterday. I got somehow distracted that when the bus came to the stop I jumped in and only noticed I had no bag when I got off the bus at the train stop. Such a tragedy. Specially since I had my lunch box in it, but of course my dancing clothes matter as well.

I had a tantrum and I called N to go pick it up but he did not see the message so it was too late by the time he came from work to check on it. It had been taken!

So tomorrow I have to call Lost & Found to see if it's there.

We are doing good. It was a delicious day today! A warm weather and in the night enjoyed some vanilla ice-cream with chocolate cookies N had brought while enjoying a fav movies of mine: Finding Nemo. Made me cry many  many times in the past.

What's your day been like?

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