Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ratatouille night

Ever since I saw Rotatouille, the Pixar animated movie,  I've been wanting to taste the real french made ratatouille, but unfortunately I have never gotten the chance to taste it. That is, until today. 

Well, I guess my recipe was not exactly the original one. It was in this new recipe book that I purchased last month ( posted a picture of it here in this blog) and I added some indian spices because I thought that mere salt and pepper won't do the trick for me, but next time I should just try it with the original ingredients. 

Anyhow, the food turned out really good. It has this sweet flavor, I think mainly because of the paprikas. We enjoyed it a lot and finished it completely. Today morning I also tried another version of cauliflower and N loved it. I prefer last night's recipe much much better, though, but enjoyed it as well in my lunch break at work.

Today I was thinking that if a close person to you is going through a hard time, that is either a friend, or a family member, you end up also feeling bad for her/ him. I guess it's like a chain reaction, when your share of sorrow, worry or concern travels quickly within family members or closest friends. I had in the back of my mind this ' WHY' but the answer is because we LOVE. If we didn't love or cared for a person we wouldn't mind that person's feelings. But we do. We are humans and we care for our closest ones. 

What I am trying to say is, that even though your life might go great one day, some news in your family might worry you and that thought stays in the back of your mind. Action is required to help alleviate that person's situation. Because you see, you have two choices; You either help or you decide to ignore and hope for the best. As simple as that. In family vocabulary it would be ' Interfere' , in friend's circles it would mean advice, if asked. Sometimes without being asked too. 

Despite the good and not so good things happening in your life, one should always feel grateful for all the experiences, for the people we meet, for the things we learn, for the things we share, for the silence - which says more than words- for absolutely everything. 

To end up this post, take a look at our ratatouille :) It would have been nice I've had my chef hat with my cute mouse in it ;) 

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