Saturday, June 16, 2012

Being 30

I never for a second thought I'd reach 30 in my life. I mean, for an instance when I was 10 or even 15, thought the time will go so fast to the point I am presently turning 30.

Life is a school. Life teaches you through ages. When you are a kid, you barely know anything about the world. You live in this wonderful bubble and nothing seems to harm you and it does not occur, for we did not know, that actually many things could have hurt us. 

But later on, I started to see the world differently, through error and error constantly until I finally one day understood that the world is indeed full of harm, there is not such things as everyone is a friend, or all workplaces can be good.

I am grateful for having walked through this path of my life. Certainly 30 years have made me the person I am today. For that same reason I feel this awkward feeling that L I F E is starting all over again for me.

Yes,  blessed as I have been with the family, friends and a husband that'd give everything for me, I can see that I could live another 30 years! And this time with all the knowledge, wisdom that my previous precious 30 years have given me.

Can you believe it? I can start living a life that I truly appreciate, I can do some of the same lovely things I have been doing so far, and what's even better, I get the chance to do new things everyday, every month and every year in the next 30 years.

I can kiss my husband every night before going to bed for every day, for every year. I can call my mother to chat and hear her voice. I can live and feel the presence of my siblings. I get to know my new family more. I get to create a family of our own.

30 years have been good to me. I only hope I can give back joy and happiness to the ones around me and to myself for the next 30 years to come. And the moment I turn 60, I'd definitely rejoice even more, for at sixty, I must be really really wise! : )

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