Monday, May 14, 2012

Treasure hunt and Mother's day

Hi everyone

I am sorry that I haven't been writing lately. I've been waiting for the 'right' moment to sit down and start typing some of the events of the past two weeks.

First of all, it was mother's day yesterday here in Finland, and in most parts of the world. So, as a family tradition, we all went to visit mom and Leif on this special event to enjoy a lovely time eating grilled food and talking and watching movies.

This time we gave my mom some Hortensia for their garden since my mom is truly passionated about gardening this year and she has set on these projects to make their garden look more beautiful so I thought some hortensias will make it look beautiful too

The second highlight of the past weeks was this treasure hunt! Singham had told me one tuesday that there is a surprise waiting for me at home, but I had to 'search' for it, and for that he had left some clues for me. I thought 'oh, that's easy!' a small treasure!? could it be a movie?* mmmmm but he wouldn't tell.

Once I got home all excited trying to find out what the surprise was about, I found the first paper note  or clue on top of the living room table. How exciting! This was a movie! but it kept getting better and better because it wasn't just a movie, it was the movies! 11 in total! clue after clue, search after search, I managed to find all except for one that I was not even aware of until N told me that one clue was still missing and once I found it I found the movie too! So now we have new movies to watch and enjoy!

I've been feeling sick these days. I mean, I 'm having this prolonged flu. I think I know the cause but first I need to do some checking. I've also been reorganizing things around the house, our bookshelf, going through my old personal stuff, getting rid of some stuff I no longer want, sorting out clothes and giving some away. It's been a good therapy to clean and bring new energy into our lives. ( Fengshui)

This thursday is going to be a holiday again so N and I are looking forward to that. Sleeping late and just relax. The days have been warmer and warmer we are so looking forward this summer! So much to do so much to see.

I wish I could tell you about a particular episode, funny experience of the week, but all I can think of right now is my headache. I hope I can sleep tonight! Well, now that I mentioned funny, it is really funny that Finland being the host of the Hockey world championship games, has lost two games already and this Sunday it lost against USA. My brother was hoping and praying Finland wins but N was teasing him all the time saying USA is going to win, and so it did! 5 -0 It was a tragedy! Even I felt sad. Well, let's hope they make it to the preliminaries.

Here I leave you with the clues that N left me at home. Can you guess which movies are they?  ( only indian readers can know this :) )

The clues:

1. The first hindi movie we watched on big screen in Finland  - In our bedroom -
2. The Dirty in the dirty clothes
3. The one your don't like. Think KAT  - In the place we barely use -
4.An old favorite in my den
5. The best comedy ever in the BILLY
6. Wake up wake up  - where I sleep
7. A new one called path of fire - in the hottest place at home
8. The one where they don't kiss - in one of the closets
9. Doctor Doctor In an instrument
10. Don't BLUFF Now it gets toughter - Inside the game
11. Remember Delhi - Place we cook
12.King Khan in the End

Wishing you a nice week!

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